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No matter if you are in need of cleaning your house because you are moving out, moving in or just because the darn house is dirty, a few house cleaning tips are always helpful. Most of us know how to clean. Most of us have cleaned before. However, sometimes it is hard to know where to start and sometimes knowing a few tips on simplifying the process is handy. I’ve compiled a list of house cleaning tips to help you get your house in order.
Make a list. Order it by what is most important to what is least important. That way if you run out of time you will at least get the things that must be cleaned finished. Make the list detailed. Checking off items on the list is satisfying and the easier the task, the more you can check the items off.
My lists look something like this:
As you can see, I made the list fairly detailed and step by step. The list is also ordered by importance. Dishes must be washed every day. However, most people do not mop the floor everyday and typically the oven is cleaned only once every 6 months. However, if you have time to clean the oven, might as well get it done.
Clean one room at a time. That way you can start on one side of the house and move to the other. You can check each room off of the list as you go. Also, if you do not have enough time to clean the whole house at once, you can at least complete whole sections as you go.
I like to start with the rooms that are hardest to clean and work down the list. I usually start with the kitchen. The kitchen always seems like the messiest room. After the kitchen the living room is usually the worst. However, in your house the bathroom may be the worst and the kitchen the easiest. In some ways it is personal preference. Maybe the bathroom is easy to clean but many find it their least favorite room. Either way, tackling the most unpleasant tasks first while you are more inspired tends to help you get the housecleaning completed.
Have fun. This may seem silly but a little fun will make the cleaning go faster. Play music, dance around, listen to a show on TV while you are working or do whatever makes cleaning fun. When I clean with my children I like to make up stories. Once we were pretending to clean up after Godzilla stomped through the city and another time we were getting ready to fight the evil queen and had to make sure the house was in order first. No matter what method you use, make the cleaning less painful and even enjoyable.
Happy Cleaning!
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