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The Most Dangerous Room in the House, and Grab Me A Soda

Published on February 13, 2014 by John Stringer in Home Improvement, News

The kitchen is usually the most dangerous room in the house.  Of course, your children’s rooms might be a close runner-up!  With a room full of knives, scissors, hot surfaces, and a bunch of electrical cables, you need to know a few tips on how to keep that room safe.  Not only is the kitchen the most dangerous room in the house, studies show that it is the room in which we spend most of our time.  Our cultural evolution has led us to enjoy gathering in the kitchen while dinner is being made.  Since we enjoy spending a good portion of our time in the most dangerous room in the house, we need to know how to make it safer.

Kitchen Safety Tip #1:

Mind your power cables. Modern kitchens are stuffed with electronics.  The refrigerator, blender, microwave, toaster oven, food processor and any other number of gadgets, line the counters and shelves in the kitchen. Make sure that those cables are not being mistreated. If the cable is frayed or damaged in anyway, unplug and discontinue using that device immediately.  Make sure that power cords are nowhere near any source of heat. If the cable has melted, do not use!  Also, avoid using extension cables where possible. Extension cords are more likely to short out and cause electrical shock or be pulled by a child, bringing down a hot kettle or pan!

Kitchen Safety Tip # 2:

Remember to check the areas around the stovetop burners before turning on the heat.  It’s really easy to start a fire this way.  When I was 12 years old, I was boiling water on the stove.  Unfortunately, I had not moved a plastic container away from the burner before turning on the stove. The plastic container started melting and then burst into flames.  Luckily, the fire was easily put out with some baking soda by my mum.  To this day, my mum reminds of the day I set fire to water.  Granted I was a little boy but it could happen to anyone.  As an extra precaution, always keep baking soda nearby in case of a small fire.  The most dangerous thing you can do is to throw water over an oil/fat based fire like a chip pan or frying pan as it could cause burning oil to splash over you and the rest of the kitchen!  Turn off the heat and then place a wet tea towel over the pan to smother the flames. Don’t leave pan handles near another burner or hanging over the front for a child to grab.

Kitchen Safety Tip #3:

Beware running with scissors or any other pointy object!  It’s all good fun, until someone loses an eye!” – Billy Bones – Muppet Treasure Island.  Seriously, don’t mess about with sharp objects as a joke.  When you are cutting with knives, try pointing your finger nails to the side of the knife and always cut away from your body.  The last thing you want is to stab yourself!  Keep your knives sharp to avoid slipping as you have to use more pressure when cutting with blunt knives.  Never use a dirty knife especially if the last thing cut with the knife was meat.  Cross contamination is dangerous.  Basically, always use caution when cutting anything.

Safety in the kitchen is very important. Do research on further ways to keep the kitchen safe.  If you have children, extra precautions will need to be taken.

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About the author
John StringerJohn is professional property investor from Manchester. He is contributing on Genuine Property Buyers with tips for all types of house sellers.

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